Date: 6th to 14th of June 2014
Venue: Panggung Sari, Istana Budaya, KL
Directed by: Azri Ali
This theater depicts the environment that exists in a marriage that encompasses the entire Malaysian culture beliefs. The storyline starts when Rizal and Nisa, who are staged by Izzue Islam and Kilafairy, a pair of soulmates where their marriage is just around the corner. Nevertheless, their marriage receives a number of obstacles when their parents start to butt in into the preparation of their marriage. Each of the characters in this sketch resembles Malaysian culture perfectly.
The director of this masterpiece, Azri Ali has initially analyzed the contents and plots that appropriately fit into the message that he wanted to disseminate among the society. This documentary is scrutinizing the contexts regarding marriage from different standpoints in Malaysian society. This theater also only involved those who are knowledgeable in marriage preparation including the parents as well as the newlyweds. This documentary is surprisingly adapted from actual experiences that are currently occurring among Malaysian society.
Awards & Nominations
Best Set Design, Best Costume Design